How Many Summers?

Adam Bruderly
June 19, 2023

After my first son was born, I began to think about what the next phase of our lives looked like. We went from two busy professionals who could hop on a plane for a weekend trip, grab dinner, or chase endless weekend adventures to first time parents. We were 2,000 miles away from family trying to plan the one or two trips a year that we could see them which led me to ask this question, how many summers do we have left?

When we did the math, we realized it was not as many as we had hoped. This led us to begin spending more and more time, escaping Scottsdale summers, back in Northeast Ohio living with my parents. By that third summer we realized something we had known for a while….it was time to move home. To give ourselves and our families more of that scarce resource we have talked about – time. That day my two boys overwhelmed my mom with emotions by carrying little signs that said we were moving home.

We moved back in December 2019, and it was the best decision we have ever made.

We will never regret having our boys see their aunt and uncle walk their dog down the street, attending every cousin’s birthday party, having grandparents at every activity they participate in, or spending the night at grandma and papa’s.

Remember those summers and live them to the fullest.

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