Small Steps, Giant Leaps: A Journey of 22 Years

Adam Bruderly
June 19, 2023

In the fall of 2001, my then girlfriend, now wife, persuaded me to go for a short run. At this point in my life, I had recently graduated college, entered the workforce, and was in a challenging mental space at the time.  All of this while having failed to move on from many of my unhealthy habits as someone in their early twenties. My idea of a weekend warrior was splurging on the Wendy’s dollar menu, late nights out, and binge-watching old Seinfeld seasons. As much as it pained me, I felt obligated to join her and regretted it the minute we started. Throughout the run, I kept asking how far we had gone expecting her to say 4 or 5-miles. But when we returned, she congratulated me on completing a 2-mile run. Despite my initial embarrassment, I gradually began to feel a sense of energy and accomplishment. Little did I know that an exceedingly small release of endorphins was about to change my entire life.

Reflecting on the last 22 years, that 2-mile run truly shifted my entire perspective.  Despite the difficulty of that initial run and the many that ensued, I came to understand that every tiny step I took was a step towards progress. That day served as a priceless gift, catalyzing my adoption of a new lifestyle that revolutionized my mentality, health, habits, and comfort zone.

The message is clear: you don't need monumental changes for profound impact. It all starts with one minor step in the right direction. So, how can we assist you in taking that first step?

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